HomeComplex multi agent systems

Building Agent Modules with Tool Integration

Welcome to our second lesson on building intelligent multi-agent systems! In this module, we'll create an agent that leverages a tool module to gather and process real-time information.

The complete implementation, including deployment configs and schemas, is available in our Firecrawl Agent Repository.

Understanding Agent-Tool Architecture

Let's explore how Naptha enables seamless integration between agents and tool modules:

This initialization shows how agents can:

  • Connect to Tool modules
  • Access tool capabilities
  • Maintain configuration settings

Building Core Agent Functionality

The heart of our agent is its ability to call tools and process their responses:

Notice how we handle tool interactions securely with signed consumer IDs.

Complete Implementation

Running the Agent

As always, we will test the Firecrawl agent locally with a sample request which is placed in the run.py file:

Next, run the following command:

Want to deploy your agent? Check out our detailed guides on testing and deployment in other courses. E.g. Knowledge Base Modules Course.

Next Steps

In the next lesson, we'll explore how to orchestrate multiple agents, combining both KB and Tool capabilities for even more powerful systems.

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  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Enter