Publishing on Naptha Hub
Let's publish your agent with Naptha Hub and verify its availability.
You should always make sure your tag is the same when registering your module on Naptha Hub.
We will be using Naptha's hosted node for registering your agent. In the next lesson, we will be testing your agent on a local node.
Update your SDK environment variables:
Hub Registration
Now run the following command to register your module on Naptha Hub:
IPFS Publishing
To upload your package to IPFS, you just need to run the following command which utilizes the Naptha SDK's Naptha Storage API for IPFS:
This will automatically build your package, upload it to IPFS, and register it on Naptha Hub.
Upon successful registration, you'll get a resulting output similar to the following:
Deployment Verification
1. Check Registration
Check that your agent is properly registered:
3. Run Tests
You should see execution steps like this:
Next Steps
You've just published your first agent to Naptha Hub! Before you share it with the world, let's test it on Naptha nodes ->