Setting Up Your Development Environment
Welcome to the second module of our advanced module creation course!
In this section, we'll establish a robust development environment that will serve as the foundation for building our agent module.
Project Setup
First, clone the official Naptha module template which is the recommended base template for creating Naptha modules:
Environment Setup
Next, install dependencies using poetry:
1. Install Python 3.11+
2. Install Poetry
If you encounter issues running the above command, you can run poetry env use python3.11
to specify the Python version.
Configure Environment Variables
Create a copy of the environment file:
Add your API keys to the .env
Install Dependencies
Install the required packages for our financial analysis system:
Project Structure
Your project should now have the following structure:
Additional Resources
These configuration files define how our agent module will be ran and deployed:
We will be making minor modifications to the default configuration to enable our agent module's specialized capabilities.
We will use the default configuration.
The agent deployment configuration sets up our financial analyst agent with the appropriate role and persona for financial analysis tasks.
Next Steps
In the next section, we'll start implementing the core components of our Financial Analyst Agent module, including:
- Data fetching and processing
- Market analysis capabilities
- Report generation logic
Make sure your environment is properly set up before moving forward!