HomeTool modules

Setting Up Your Development Environment & Schema Design

Welcome to the second module of our tool modules course!

In this section, we'll establish our development environment and design a robust schema for our Firecrawl tool module.

Project Setup

First, clone the official Naptha tool module template:

Environment Setup

Next, install dependencies using poetry:

1. Install Python 3.11+
2. Install Poetry

Configure Environment Variables

Create a copy of the environment file:

Add your API keys to the .env file:

Schema Design

The schemas.py file serves as the contract between your tool and its users. Let's design our Firecrawl schema:

Project Structure

Your project should now have the following structure:


Let's set up our tool's deployment configuration in the configs/deployment.json file:

Next Steps

In the next section, we'll implement the core functionality of our Firecrawl tool module, including:

  • Web scraping implementation
  • Data extraction logic
  • Error handling and rate limiting

Make sure your environment is properly set up and your schema is well-defined before moving forward!